From Paul winters,talented script writer and Director
hi i am looking to get a cast together for a new play, I have many years directing, writting and desgin for theatre and toured many times through out Ireland. I have penned a new piece and am looking to cast it with local actors can I ask you to share the following message to your page pleaseAudition for a new play Doing time,The piece is about four men in a prison and their relationships and antics as they while away their time in the cell. As this is a new play, during the rehearsal process working with the actors there will be some development of ideas and script changes. The play will be performed in kildare during October and then to other venues around co.kildare and dublin. We are looking for three male actorsMatt. A first time prisoner who is in his mid twenties Crapper. Age around 40-50 old time prisoner Scanner. mid to late twenties who first time prisoner Please send a photo and cv, or link to a show reel if you have one to pws15031966@gmail.comJust to confirm, this is a profit share show but are endevouring to keep the costs to a mininmun, also we will be rehearsing in Newbridge during August/ September.