We are looking for West Coast based professional actors for a TV commercial. Please send CV and photo ASAP to carlproctorcasting@gmail.com if available for the dates and fit the brief for any of the characters below. Thank you.
Brand: A tech company.
Company: Bodacious Ltd.
Casting Director: Carl Proctor CDG.
Dates. Self tapes initially. Recalls: December 11th and/or 12th. Dublin or Zoom in some cases. Fittings: December 18th or 19th. Overall shoot dates: December 20th, 21st & 22nd.
Location: County Clare or Connemara. TBC.
Daily rate for most: €350. Buyout: Primary characters: €10,000. Secondary characters: €5,000.
This commercial is for a US tech company to be seen on US TV and the central character will be played by a well-known actor. I have been asked not to name the company or the actor at this stage. There is one long film and four short ones. A couple of the characters appear in the long and one of the short films. Set in a world that is ageless, fabled, majestic – a place where computers coexist with coopers and cobblers. As our hero goes on his journey, he encounters a world of deadpan, stoic and hard-to-impress locals. To create this world, we are looking for a memorable mix of characters to render the world as authentic and timeless, a true melding of the ancient and the contemporary. Despite the profound importance and life-changing nature of the main character’s tech revelations, the people he encounters appear only mildly amused. The contradiction between his seemingly profound language and the introduction of technology into an otherwise antiquated world with nothing more than a shrug or an ‘Aye’, offers great potential for humour.
Although only a couple of the characters have dialogue, the director is looking for experienced Ireland based actors to play all roles. Almost all characters are rural west coast people. As the commercial is for the American market, it isn’t essential that accents are all consistently West Coast, as long as they are consistently strong and rural. As you will see below, some of the characters are similar and all actors could also be considered for pubgoers and villagers.
Some of the following characters might change or be added to FIDDLE OR TIN WHISTLE PLAYER. Primary character. 18 to mid-20’s. Male. Ideally an actor who also plays one of these instruments. He follows the main character throughout the main f ilm. Agile enough to follow main action whilst playing. Please indicate which instrument is played and the level of ability. SHEEP FARMER. Primary character. 50+. Male or female. Grizzled veterans of life amongst the sheep. Lots of life and character in their face. This character has dialogue, so the actor needs to be able to do a thick, ideally West Coast, accent. As this character appears in two of the films, the buyout would be €15,000. MARGARET. Secondary character. Female. A Seamstress at Margaret’s Clothing Repairs. 25-45. She has children under 15. No dialogue, stoic, stern expression. Probably no dialogue. BLACKSMITH. Secondary character. 40+ Male. Big, burly type. Hard working. Stoic. No dialogue. PUBLICAN. Primary character. 30+. Female. A veteran of life in the pubs, with lots of life and character in their face. A speaking role in one of the shorter films, so able to do a strong, ideally West Coast accent. As this character appears in two of the films, the buyout would be €15,000. MAIN PUB DRINKER. Primary character. 30’s – 50 ish. Male. Grizzled pub veteran. Looks like he hasn’t left his seat in the pub for months. Probably no dialogue. CREW MEMBER. Primary character. Male or female. Not Caucasian. 20-30 ish. Maybe a Grip. This character isn’t local, so just someone who looks believable as a member of a film crew. Probably no dialogue KNITTING WOMAN. Primary character. Female. 35- 50. Knitting in the social club. DANCING VILLAGER. Primary character. 20-35. Female. Someone who can dance a traditional jig with lots of life and charm. No dialogue. MAIN CHILD. Primary character. Boy aged 7-10 ish. A rowdy kid who looks like nothing but trouble. Someone with a naturally larger than life personality. He runs after our main character. He has dialogue, so needs to be able to do a thick rural accent. (The daily rate for this VILLAGERS. Secondary characters. A diverse mix of male and female pubgoers or villagers. Not all Caucasian. Should look and feel like a real mix of locals. A group that might excite but slightly frighten you as you pull up a seat at the bar or pull into the village. No dialogue. IRISH STEP DANCERS. Secondary characters. Male and Female. Mid 30’s to 40’s. A troupe of exuberant traditional Irish step dancers. Need to be able to do traditional Irish step dancing. Interesting, unique faces. No dialogue. The buyout for the dancers is to be confirmed.