KATS Theatre Group (Kilkenny’s oldest theatre group) are delighted to announce that our first full-length production of 2020 will be Patricia Burke Brogan’s ‘Eclipsed’. .
We are looking for eight actresses to bring this all-female play to life in Cleere’s Theatre in Kilkenny this April 22nd-24th. .
Auditions take place Thursday 16th January in Cleere’s Theatre and audition material can be requested by emailing katstheatregroup@gmail.com
. ‘Eclipsed’, written by Patricia Burke Brogan is an award winning #play, the first of it’s kind. It tells the story of the #MagdaleneLaundries and was inspired by Patricia’s experiences as a young noviate. .
Framed by a present-day prologue and epilogue, #Eclipsed tells the poignant and sometimes #humourous story of a group of fallen #women consigned to a convent laundry, in the 1960’s, at St. Paul’s Home for Penitent Women in Killmacha, #Ireland. .
Supervised by nuns who view these women as exemplars of evil, the women are treated as slaves but one nun sees through the facade and attempts to ease their plight.
Though each woman morns having had their #babies snatched from them and put up for #adoption, we see that they cannot be stopped from imagining and even #dreaming what life might be like under different circumstances.
‘A Cruel Slice of Irish Life : ‘Eclipsed’ depicts the sad but fantasy-filled lives of teen-age mothers banished to laundry servitude.’ – #LATimes (1995) .

Note: We are an over 18s company