Our next Get into Film & TV Acting course starts September 14th-Led by Casting Director Gillian Reynolds:

We are now beginning to get their showreels in which they filmed on the last day:Here’s Pat: the first one in! Congrats-really natural performance



The course covers the key areas in the world of Acting:It is primarily aimed at Film and TV Acting for Newcomers.

Acting for Camera-camera angles and eye lines-framing
How to create a character
Script breakdown
Write and make a short film in a day using theory learnt from class
Casting for TV Commercials
Improvisation / voice & movement
Audition and Interview technique.
Make a short Film in a day with the knowledge learnt from the course.
How to market yourself within the Industry.
The Art of Self taping
The C.V. and Agent
Professional Headshot
Professional showreel